We advise against general anaesthesia for this surgery, unless both eyes are being done together. For Surgery one eye at a time, sedation is used whilst anaesthetic is placed around the eye. The local anaesthesia  lasts 6 to 24 hours which means that after surgery, you wont feel any pain. A carer will be required to look after you and to drive you home. The hospital will confirm with you that you have a support person available.

What to expect after surgery

At the end of surgery the eye will be padded. This is removed the next day and does not need to be replaced. The eye may feel gritty, be light sensitive or uncomfortable, and will look red and fleshy due to swelling and bruising. Sunglasses help with light sensitivity, and regular dry eye lubrication drops help with the gritty feeling, whilst pain relief medications take the edge off pain.

You can eat, drink, bathe, wash your hair and do any computer work you desire with no impact on healing. You can even have your hair coloured! Minimise sun exposure by wearing wrap around sunglasses when outdoors.

Return to work

It is possible to return to work the next day, but we would recommend 3 to 5 days off work. A certificate can be provided for your workplace, if required. The eye will be sore, the blurry vision can be distracting and the discomfort will limit concentration time. You may drive from day 1, and polarised sunglasses will reduce glare from sunlight.

What you need to do after surgery

Start drops start from day 1, typically and antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drop, four times per day.

Minimise heavy exercise for the first 10 days, but otherwise, back to routine.

Use your drops as prescribed, and attend your scheduled follow-up appointments.