Pinguecula and pterygium are common eye conditions that affect the conjunctiva, the clear tissue covering the eye’s white part and the eyelids’ inner surface. These conditions can cause discomfort and affect vision, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of their symptoms, causes, and treatment options. What are Pinguecula and Pterygium? Pinguecula A pinguecula is a yellowish, benign …
This patient was sent in with an atypical lesion within his temporal pterygium. This photo was taken with a hand-held camera, rather than a slit lamp camera, but look at the plaque like lesion over the pterygium. This is an OSSN, which I will first shrink, then excise, with chemotherapy then surgery using the PERFECT …
Pterygium, a common eye condition characterized by a growth of tissue on the surface of the eye, can cause discomfort and vision problems. For patients seeking relief, pterygium surgery is often the recommended course of action. In recent years, a technique known as PERFECT (Pterygium Extended Removal Followed by Extended Conjunctival Transplantation) has emerged as …
Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatments In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of pterygium, a common eye condition that affects millions worldwide. We are dedicated to providing you with accurate and up-to-date information about pterygium, its causes, symptoms, and the most effective treatment options available. As a trusted resource for health-related content, we …
This man had radiation applied to the eye to treat a pterytgium over 20 years earlier. Over time, the radiation causes melting of the wall of the eye, and a dark patch appears where radiation was applied. This dark patch is actually the colour inside the eye, which has now become visible because the wall …
Pterygium grow from the white of the eye over the coloured part of the eye. Mostly they arise from the nose and grow outwards, but they can do the reverse, and grow from the outside in, and some people can have both of them. This lady in her 50’s had pterygia on both sides of …
Radiation puts a hole in the wall of the eye This man received radiation treatment for a pterytgium 20 years earlier. Over time, the radiation caused the wall of the eye to melt, and a dark patch appeared where radiation was applied. This dark patch is actually the colour inside the eye, which has now …