Non Insured Patients

We look after everyone, insured or non-insured. For some patients with chronic long term conditions, we do not charge an out-of-pocket expense. Even if you don’t carry costly medical insurance, there are several options to undergo surgery.

Full paying private: this means you elect to pay the hospital fee, surgeon fee and anesthetic fee. Medicare will reimburse some of the anesthetic fee and surgeon fee.

Office based surgery: procedures that don’t require an anesthetist can be carried out in the office, rather than a hospital. Office based surgery is a cheaper and faster alternative, and still attracts Medicare reimbursement. Ask our staff if can have an office based procedure.

The Medicare safety net is a threshold that once reached, entitles you to a higher rebate from Medicare to decrease the out of pocket cost.

Public hospital treatment: you have the option to elect for surgery in a public hospital. This means you will be referred to a public hospital. Your care will be transferred to the hospital.